Carnelian + Spell of Your Choice


This stone will be energised during the spell casting and will absorb the specific energies relating to that spell. By carrying this crystal with you or by placing it next to your bed it will assist in bringing the spells energies directly into your life. The crystal will retian this energy for several months and will have a great beneficial effect to the spells outcome. By combining the energies from both the spell and crystal you will gain more positive results and gain a stronger sense of the universe's energy surrounding you.

Carnelian (also spelled cornelian) is a brownish-red mineral which is commonly used as a semi-precious gemstone. Similar to carnelian is sard, which is generally harder and darker (the difference is not rigidly defined, and the two names are often used interchangeably).

Carnelian encourages the expression of love and supports the purity of the heart, helps in breaking down emotional fears and restrictions, liberates a reserved character and builds an open personality, strengthens individuality and personal satisfaction, supports in fulfilling wishes, Helps fight negative thoughts and depression, curbs egoism and builds good values, increases the physical strength of the body, increases the will for life and revives forgotten joys, activates Root and Sacral Chakras and Strengthens concentration and focus.

In order to gain a greater closeness with one's self and the Angelic realms this stone has been specially blessed and energised for you by Angelmoon Dew. It has been cleansed under the moonlight of the New moon and energised with Angelic energies and healing powers. This stone will not need to be cleansed when purchased and will provide an immediate boost to you and those around you once received. Keep it on your person at all times to gain the best possible results.

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